In a statement released this week, the Zeeland Art Gallery shared some big news:
"Unfortunately, the most important news is to let you all know that the Zeeland Art Gallery will be closing at the end of the year. Our last day will be Dec. 30.
We are sad that the wonderful opportunity we've been able to enjoy for the last 8 years is coming to an end, but we are looking forward to new adventures!! Stay Tuned!
Thank you for all your support! And a huge thank you to Greg Visser, owner of Zeeland Frameware and Zeeland Ace Hardware, for making a gallery a possibility for us."
As they prepare for the closing date, they announced a Yellow Dot Sale! Beggining November 13, artwork marked with a yellow dot will be discounted.
Additionally, on there will be an art supplies sale on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Saturday's in December. This will include the artists' personal supply, great for artists of all ages and skills!
At the gallery, you can also enjoy the work of ZAG Guest artist John Riepma of Fiore Studio Glass. Additionally, botanical prints from artist Alla Dickson are available on towels, bags, and other merchandise. There will be lots of options for Christmas Gifts and stocking your personal collection through the end of the year!
The Zeeland Art Gallery will be missed in downtown Zeeland! Make sure you stop in before the end of the year.